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Stress and Mental Health – An Introduction

It’s no secret that as we push towards our career goals, some of us spend far too much time focused on our work and not enough time focused on ourselves. In recent years, stress and burnout have become more and…

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Stress and Burnout in a Workaholic Society

It's no secret that since the dawn of the American Dream, even in Europe everyone has been looking for a way to make millions. Celebrities, people who are born into money, and Silicon Valley moguls who had the right idea…

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Stress, E-mails, and Going Back to Basics

E-mails, e-mails, e-mails! It's no secret that many of us end up answering emails hours before we arrive at the office, and hours after we leave. This is detrimental to our health as it heightens anxiety, contributes to workplace stress…

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Back to Basics: Phones and conference calls

We’ve all experienced the technical difficulties when trying to put together a video conference call with more than one other party. Of course, the preferred alternative would be face-to-face meetings, but with ongoing globalization and employees sometimes being thousands of…

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How to Alleviate Stress Using Telephony

In the last month, we explained what causes stress at work and the symptoms of burnout. We hope that knowing more about what causes burnout will help you to mitigate this problem within your businesses. Workplace stress happens when employees…

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