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Foreign phone numbers of great value for the transport sector

Since June 15, 2017, the European Roaming Regulation has been enforced whereby telecoms customers in member states of the European Economic Area (EEA) can take advantage of “roam like at home” rules. This means that wherever you may be in this geographical area, on holiday or for a work trip, you can make phone calls to local-to-you numbers on your mobile device at no extra cost. This means that you no longer have to worry about the fees you may rack up when calling home or the office in case of an emergency. However, if you need to make geographically local calls, for instance to arrange for an extra night’s stay at your hotel or to book a rental vehicle, these calls will cost you the same long-distance fees as if you were calling from home.

Foreign phone numbers: save costs

When it comes to the transportation industry, anything from small courier companies to large transportation conglomerates, it is vital for drivers and dispatch units to have an easy and affordable way to keep in touch. This is particularly important for time sensitive issues such as manufacturer delay at a pick-up location, unforeseen traffic, or a flat tire. With the vast amount of trade that happens between the EEA member states, phone calls from drivers to dispatchers can become a costly feat. The coverage that this new Roaming Regulation offers for local-to-local calling is an incredible advancement in cost savings.

Think of it this way: You are a transport company with a headquarters in Germany who does the majority of their business in France and Poland, and let’s say that the majority of your drivers are then local to France and Poland. With your dispatch headquarters in Germany, it is costly to have telephonic contact between you and your drivers. Either you are paying outrageous monthly fees for special, international mobile packages for your drivers to be able to call you, or you are spending an astronomical amount in long-distance fees on your landline.

An easy and cost beneficial solution would be to give the French drivers access to a French phone number to call, and a Polish number for the Polish drivers. Although you are located in Germany, it is possible to have local numbers to the respective geographical locations of your drivers routed to reach your German offices at no extra cost to them.

It is obvious that this kind of easy communication channel can be implemented simply by setting up local numbers in the countries where your employees already have phone numbers, so that they can call you at no extra charge.

Are you a transport company who is looking to cut down telephone costs by providing local numbers to your drivers? Contact us for more information take advantage of our special discount! Contact us for more information take advantage of our special discount!

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