International: +800 00123456 | USA: 1 855 444 3210

Wondering why you should provide a Toll Free phone number to your customers?
Here are 10+ reasons why!

reasons to buy a Toll Free phone number

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What is a Toll Free phone number?

Toll Free phone numbers are set-up for a variety of customer and business needs.

  • Hotline numbers are for example widely used for expert support. True specialists will provide the best customer support for purchased products or services
  • You can also implement marketing numbers for campaigns. Besides encouraging interaction from potential buyers, you will also increase conversion ratios with a solid follow-up.
  • Another need can be for emergency numbers for calamities, such as product recalls or emergency aid.
  • And for less acute situations, service numbers are often used as remote helpdesk. Customers can check for example their order status, get additional information on reservations, or simply get connected to the right employee to get the right answer.

Switch to us, keep your number

What kind of Toll Free phone numbers can you get with TeleForwarding?

TeleForwarding is your one-stop-shop for all your telecom requirements and it has been our core business for nearly 2 decades. We provide you with a reliable, stable and secure connection service as we only deal with Tier 1 and A-grade operators and providers. On top of that, you are sure to benefit from the best possible rates.

There are a wide variety of phone numbers and each have their own benefits and limitations. Although Toll Free phone numbers are available worldwide, not all countries support mobile access. It’s important to note that number formats differ per country. In many cases, a Universal +800 Freephone number can be implemented across 45 countries.

Check out our Toll Free phone numbers

Check out our +800 Freephone numbers

Check out our Local phone numbers

With a Toll Free phone number your customers benefit from a faster response from you as calls get directly connected to the right department. A skilled agent will be able to provide the best customer service experience.

On top, your global customers will benefit from Toll Free phone numbers too, as they allow you to offer 24/7 availability across all time zones. By routing calls according to the location of the caller, they can be served in their local language.

According to research, Toll Free phone numbers are highly appreciated by callers and can increase call traffic up to 15%. You can route these incoming calls directly to the appropriate agents saving you valuable time from handling wrongly assigned calls.

In addition, Toll Free phone numbers are suitable for flexible & ad hoc needs on top of your existing telephone infrastructure without major changes or investments. Check out our features!

Still have questions about Toll Free phone numbers?

Our service experts are happy to guide you.
Contact them via chat or e-mail.

Do you want to port your (foreign) Local phone numbers? Port your 0800 number? No problem! TeleForwarding is the best choice! TeleForwarding makes Toll Free phone number porting for your business possible.




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