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(inter)national VoIP Number With A Softphone App


TeleForwarding, for all your calling and receiving calls with (inter)national VoIP number needsThe convenience of a softphone app, simply explained

Calling and receiving calls with an (inter)national VoIP number.

In addition to calling via your usual mobile subscription, you can also make incoming and outgoing calls via an app on your smartphone. This is especially useful for business conversation. Via a so-called softphone, you can configure any business VoIP number on your smartphone and you only need an internal connection to use it. How exactly does it work?

Step 1; Activate your VoIP numbers
Working from home means that it must be possible to make incoming and outgoing business calls outside the office location, preferably on everyone’s own smartphone. For this, the company must have VoIP numbers, also called virtual landline numbers. These have a lot smart advantages anyway that are clearly explained in this animation.

Step 2; Install your softphone app*
Employees need to install a softphone app on their smartphone. These softphone apps are available for both Adroid and IOS and are often free to download. In the installed softphone app you can quickly and easily configure any (inter)national business VoIP number.

Limitless incoming and outgoing business conversations

The softphone simply only needs a mobile internet connection, or a local Wi-Fi connection to be online. Regardless of your location, you can now make international calls using the softphone app without restrictions and the recipient will see your business VoIP number shown in the display. On every (inter)national VoIP number installed, you can be reached on your smartphone anytime and everywhere.

What about the cost?

Transferring incoming calls to the softphone app are free of charge from national networks of the VoIP numbers, however there are transfer costs when you cross the border. Following situations are applicable;

  • Receiving national calls: if you have a VoIP number in London, than forwarding all incoming calls within the United Kingdom to your smartphone is free at any location you are in the UK
  • Being called internationally: if you receive calls on the London VoIP number from abroad, for example from a German caller, the forwarding costs will be charged for this
  • Outgoing calls: outgoing calls on your VoIP number are calculated based on the destination you are calling to and whether you’re calling a landline or mobile number.

Finally a tip!

It’s beneficial for internationally operating organizations to have local VoIP numbers active in all countries where they do business as it improves local-to-local business conversation ensuring recurring business.

Curious about what is possible in your situation? TeleForwarding is happy to help you with your (inter)national accessibility or improving your current set of phone numbers.

* Free versions of Softphone apps usually link one VoIP number, in premium versions more than one VoIP number can be linked.

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