International: +800 00123456 | USA: 1 855 444 3210


No, you don’t need any special (and expensive) equipment in order to use our services. All you need is a landline or mobile phone number (or in some cases IP address) on which you would like to receive your incoming calls. If you order additional features you can also use our Online Dashboard that can be accessed online or downloaded to any desktop computer.

All Local Phone numbers and most Toll Free phone numbers can be reached from mobile networks. In the case of international Freephone numbers things are a bit more complicated. In some countries +800 numbers can always be reached from mobile networks, but there are countries that block mobile calls to +800 numbers. In addition to this, it is also possible that individual mobile providers choose to block mobile calls to +800 numbers or will charge extra for them. Please contact us for detailed information about the mobile availability of +800 numbers.

Yes, incoming calls to your international freephone, domestic toll-free or virtual landline number can be forwarded to a mobile phone anywhere in the world. For call forwarding to a mobile phone we have to charge a surcharge, please contact us to find out the exact pricing.

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All our virtual landline numbers can be routed to VoIP/IP. Currently, calls to your international freephone and domestic toll-free numbers can only be forwarded to IP in specific cases. To find out more about routing to IP, please contact us.


Yes, this is called sequential ringing. With sequential ringing we can forward calls to several different phones or phone numbers in a pre-determined order. For instance: you run a technical support hotline and want your incoming calls forwarded first to your call centre, then to your technical department and if nobody answers to your mechanic’s mobile phone. Of course this is just one example of how sequential ringing could help your business.

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That depends on the kind of number you order. Most of our freephone and toll-free numbers have unlimited speech channels, which means that, as long as your own phone lines can handle high call volumes, you can receive an unlimited number of simultaneous calls.

Our virtual landline numbers may have limited speech channels, please contact us for the specific number of speech channels we can offer on all our inbound phone numbers.

If you don’t have a fax machine but would still like to be able to receive faxes, our Fax2Mail feature is just the thing for you. Our Fax2Mail feature converts incoming faxes on your freephone or local number to a PDF file and sends the file to the email address(es) you specify.

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Voice2Mail is a smart voicemail feature that converts incoming voicemails into audio files (.wav). These audio files are then forwarded to the email address(es) you specify.

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Yes we do! DTMF, or Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency, tones transmit telephone signals typed in via the telephone keypad. These signals can be picked up and interpreted by our telephone software thereby creating an interactive voice response (IVR). Would you like to know more about DTMF or IVR? Have a look at our Glossary.

Not yet, although we see that VoIP is becoming increasingly important, we also know that the quality of calls made via VoIP is not yet as high as we want it to be. Because we want to ensure the highest call quality we route all calls via the PSTN, the standard landline network, by default. However, in some cases, and for virtual landline numbers, we can deliver calls to your VoIP connection – contact us to discuss the possibilities.

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Yes, it’s possible to add one or more fallback destination numbers to your account that can automatically be activated in case there is a problem with your regular destination number. We also offer fallback phone numbers for the rare case that there is a problem with your toll-free or virtual landline numbers.

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